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🌟 Leadership Forged in the Crucible: A Soldier's Memoir with Bradley Jones 🌟

🌟 Leadership Forged in the Crucible: A Soldier's Memoir with Bradley Jones 🌟

Gear up for an extraordinary live episode of The MisFitNation Show, hosted by the indomitable Rich LaMonica! Join us in welcoming the award-winning author, Bradley Jones, whose memoir "Treading the Deep" offers a raw and unvarnished account of a soldier's journey.

πŸŽ–οΈ As a retired Command Sergeant Major, Bradley's narrative takes you through the trenches, from the early ranks to the helm of a combat-seasoned battalion. His story is one of dedication, mentorship, and the profound impact of inspired leadership.

πŸ‘₯ Bradley's experiences, including leading his own son in the crucible of combat, showcase the power of mentorship before, during, and after serving in some of the most challenging environments.

πŸ“– Don't miss this opportunity to gain insights from Bradley's extraordinary journey, where every page is etched with the indomitable spirit of a leader. Join us for a live conversation that promises to inspire, inform, and leave you with a newfound appreciation for the power of mentorship and leadership.

πŸ—“οΈ Date: September 21st
πŸ•– Time: 7:00 PM CST
πŸ“ Where: Live on all The MisFitNation Social Media platforms, About Face Radio, and @The_MisFitNation on YouTube.

#BradleyJones #TreadingTheDeep #LeadershipMemoir #MisFitNationShow #InspiredLeadership #MentorshipInCombat πŸ“šπŸŽ™οΈ