Welcome to The MisFitNation Podcast site

Alundas Havens- Podcast Host, Founder, Marine Corps Veteran, Leader, Father, and Entrepreneur

It is Warrior Wednesday! We have an amazing chat in store for you. The MisFitNation had the honor of having an amazing team come and share their story journey with us.

Alundas Havens is a former United States Marine, he helps people recalibrate their mindset to achieve their goals. Whether it's battling an addiction, transitioning from one workforce to another, overcoming limiting beliefs, trauma, or even struggling to find your purpose, he helps reassure people that what they are going through is common and they will prevail if they a lot the energy to do so.
Check him out here:

This is a chat you will not want to miss. Enjoy episode 194 of The MisFitNation!

All of our latest episodes and videos can be found here:


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